RC Autogyro Developments
 By Rich Harris

Atom Special
The Atom Special came about after a request from David Ashby for a possible autogyro to be added in to his RCM&E Autumn Special 2014. Always one to take up a challenge I set about putting pen to paper and created the Atom. This was a very quick design that had to fit within an A3 sheet. The prototype was constructed from traditional materials the average modeller is likely to have in his/her scrap box. The the Atom had its maiden voyage just a few days before its photo shoot.
It has turned out to be an excellent performer being one of those models that seems to end up in the boot of the car most weekends!
I was humbled that it has also been nominated as one of the 2015 mass build models which takes place annually at www.modelflying.co.uk.
The highlight for those that can make it will be a gathering of Atoms at their annual summer fly-in in June 2015.
If you have built an Atom please send me a photo and I will add it to this page. If you cam make Greenacres even better, I will see you there!
Below are some fine examples all ready built!