RC Autogyro Developments
 By Rich Harris

A Bit about myself
My name is Rich Harris and I have been an avid modeller for as long as I can remember, my first memories are watching my old man fly single channel models, 'Shark Face' comes to mind. I am interested in anything that flies , I have had a go at most things that I find interesting.
Over the last 4 years I have been dabbling in the dark side of autorotational flight. My first few autogyros were own designs back in 2006, these did fly but not for very long!I A year or so later I stumbled upon a website from the USA 'Surace Aviation', I built the very pretty DAG R1 designed by Dave Surace. This was not very succesful first time out, due to me making my own blades which were nothing more than useless. I pestered Dave for a design called the Kellett profile which he had long since given up on. This was the turning point and I had huge success with this model, it soon became my favourite. We have become good friends despite a larger span of water. Early on we worked together on his DAG-R2 and DAG-60 to which many have now been built and flown around the world . All of his models that I have built have flown superb, I was asked to sell his designs on a non profiting basis and we set up WhirlyBirdAviation.com (though Dave always wanted to call is GyroGeeks). In 2010 we were joined by Joe Cole to which he has taken over most of Dave's prototyping work this has released me to design my own models.
I always wanted to have a go at a pusher and christmas time 2008 I designed my first pusher autogyro the RPG, from then till now I have designed a few model autogyros and have many more on the 'to do' list. I enjoy what I do and have met/ spoke to and made many friends over the last few years. This in itself makes it all worth while, life is way too short.