RC Autogyro Developments
 By Rich Harris
Night Fly

Having watched the pilots at our annual autogyro fly-in flying in the dark with their fixed wing model it seemed logical that a night flying autogyro should be drawn up! My Fire Fly design had not long been flying so this was the model to base the experiments on. As an experiment I stuck LED strips on the fuselage I proved that it wasnt too difficult to see in the air on the darkest of nights. Night Fly was designed purely as a night flier but I didn't want to see a single LED in natural light. To ovecome this stringers were applied to the fuselage side running the LED strips inbetween, with a lot of soldering later we had the lights working off a switch on the transmitter. The moodel was going to be covered over so experimented with different covering films to get the best light contrast. It turned out white gave the best results so it was covered in this.
It has had many many flights and is still flying strong, always comes out at every fly-in!