RC Autogyro Developments
 By Rich Harris

Rich's EXperimental Gyro....REX​
I had been experimenting with my RPG and had got it flying vice free on a two bladed head. The goal for me was to design and build a scale 'Little Nellie', but to do this I needed to experiment with 2 blades and just a fin.
The RPG didn't really reprisent Little Nellie as it has a long moment arm and a tall mast for stability. So, I decided to put pen to paper and create a new model to around the same size as a 1/4 scale Nellie to test these functions, to which REX was born.
4 years later and REX is still flying well on its original blades and experimental model boat coupling as its head hinge.
In the last year or so a few friends have enlarged the REX making for a sizable model the REX XL, the two models I have seen fly are floaters!