RC Autogyro Developments
 By Rich Harris
El Bandito

In 2006 I stumbled across Jim Baxters website which gave rough dimensions on how to configure a model autogyro. I soon had a model designed and built around an OS25 FP which did manage to get into the air several times. The problem being is that I knew nothing about autogyro with know one that I was aware of in the UK to turn to. The model was built with mimumum weight in mind and suffered breaks at the mearest of bumps! A second stronger version was constructed and a new OS 25 FX fitted, for some reason I didnt have much success so the whole project was put to one side and forgotten about.
Around 2011 the remains were found in my shed, knowing a little more about autogyros I decided to draw the MKII version up and built an electric powered prototype, the model flew really well right off the building board.
It turned out that my early failings ended up being the blades and using too weak a servos for head control. A nice flying straight forward built up model that has a little sentimental value being my first attempt into this dark art!