RC Autogyro Developments
 By Rich Harris
GEMINI was designed in 2012 and is a builders model, the idea was to have a model that was sleek with no servos on show as in previous pusher designs. It was also a test bed for a new type of blade that was thicker and longer, requiring minimal negative shim.
The idea was that with a thicker blade the lift generated would be good but at a lower RPM reducing the risk of tip overs on take off, something I had played around with on Tempest.
It turned out to be a good combination and the Gemini was a well behaved lightly loaded model.
Since it was designed there have been a couple built by my friends Rich Elliot and Tim Arnold, we have managed to get 2 into the air but as yet have not managed 3!
The Gemini plans were never completed due to lack of interest, but one day I may finish them.